Tuesday, January 5, 2010

new cards

When I was in college I used to spend weeks and weeks designing a project. We had critiques to go over every detail. I miss those days of sketching for hours. Luckily, over the holidays I found a lot of time to work on new card designs. There are lot of aspects of running a business. From accounting, marketing, shipping and packaging, designing becomes just a piece of the big stationery business pie. But, it's the best part and really reminds you why you're doing it in the first place.

My friend, Lori of Marzipan, Inc. writes a great blog, paisley wallpaper, and she often shares her new designs fresh from the sketchbook. I LOVE when designers share what they're working on and you get to see the process before they ever hit the shelves. So, I thought I'd share a couple new designs that will be printed here in the studio over the next couple weeks.


all photos property of Lucky Star Press, please do not use without permission, thank you

1 comment:

  1. awe, thanks for the mention sarah!
    those cards are adorable! i think the baby/first birthday one in particular will be a hit!
