Our weekends have been packed full of birthday parties (Andrew turning 1, me turning 30), holidays (when did Easter get so big?), Broadway shows (Mary Poppins=fantastic!), trips to visit family and of course, hours under the covers trying to recover. So what's the up side? I have a ton of photos to show you!
Andrew had a great birthday. We celebrated here in Lexington with cake and friends and then headed to Cincinnati to have dinner with family. I'm feeling a little bit of mommy guilt because Hailey's first birthday included inflatables, every tinkerbell party item every made, a homemade cake at a big party. Andrew's on the other hand was at a pizza place...with a cake I purchased and we gave him clothes as gifts. Hopefully he won't hold it against me.
first was Easter...once Andrew found one egg, he was happy, that left about 50 for Hailey

first haircut....

and the birthday party...

I did get these adorable cookies made to hand out as favors...

I will hopefully be back sooner than later. The bathroom is FINALLY finished, photos soon!
So happy to get an update...first - I love Andrew's Easter outfit. Little boys in plaid shirts are too cute! Second, it is so sweet that he sat on your lap for his first haircut. I adore the way you're looking at him in this picture. Third, I'd take this store bought cake any day. It's awesome. Does this bakery ship? :) Lastly, the cookie favors are also to die for. Fingers crossed you're all feeling better!